Friday, January 29, 2010

Six months and still waiting on Polish justice

Today marks exactly six months since my life was brought to an abrupt standstill on the basis of one lie told by one person who your society looks upon as a person of distinction but who in this matter has behaved like... Actually, I think it is better I do not say like what as it is not for me to cast aspersions on the character of someone your society considers to be an upstanding citizen of substance and virtue. So much so, in fact, that they would incarcerate another simply on this persons word without one scrap of corroborating evidence.

Furthermore, this system then asks me to answer to a criminal charge of defamation of this persons character. This same person who accused me of the crime of theft in the knowledge that the accusation was false. If a layperson does this there can be an element of indulgence because it could be thought that he knew no better. If a person who is a lawyer and a judge does this, what could one possibly say about this person? Is there no authority in Poland who deals with such matters in the way in which they ought to be dealt? Naturally, I would not be so bold as to say how such things ought to be dealt with.

During these six months I have remained silent in the hope that the Polish system of justice would act fairly and judiciously. It was hoped that as it was obvious that the person accusing me of serious crimes and busily defaming my character had in fact done so to avoid payment of a debt this would be taken into account and that the only equitable thing to do was to bring the matter to a speedy conclusion. It is now obvious that I was wrong in having such hope. It would seem that this system has nothing to do with fairness or, dare I say it, ‘justice’.

I do not think it takes a genius to realise that I have not just been caused inconvenience. I have been stripped and searched in front of all comers, then imprisoned by a court without any attempt at the substantiation of the accusations made against me. I could elaborate substantially on the humiliation and degradation involved in the treatment I have received, and I will in the future. However, I am sure if I did so now I would be accused of somehow interfering with the wonderful system of justice which has allowed itself to be used to bring a malicious prosecution against me in its name. I say ‘in its name’ as this matter is a criminal one and therefore in the name of all citizens of Poland. This is the fact which is being ignored and should not be ignored in any civilised country and especially one claiming membership of the European Union.

My accuser may continue with his life as if nothing has happened, whereas his actions have seen me made jobless for the first time in my life, in effect homeless and completely unable to do anything about it until the system of justice deems it fit to actually give me a hearing. Just in case anyone has not yet understood, I mean without any form of income since February 2009 in the capital of this country and without any hope of changing this as long as this affair is ongoing. All of this by design rather than accident. Please note that there will be consequences. I would only say that even if I have to starve I have no intention of running anywhere until this matter is resolved in its entirety.

I must repeat, the most astonishing thing to me is being accused of defamation of character. This person could never bring such a charge against me in a civil court where it belongs. So, while we are at it, why not get the system to deal with this one along with the false accusations of blackmail and extortion which has now been conveniently forgotten even though that was the purpose for which the warrant for my arrest was issued. This person was correct in the assumption that if he accused me of everything the system would step in and make something stick. Is that not how it seems? Please forgive me if it appears as if I am being facetious, but am I really supposed to accept this in silence? Would you?

I am fully aware of the Polish hatred of being told anything which is not favourable to Poles and Poland. I am also very much aware of the resentment held against anyone, by anyone I mean any foreigner, who dares to say that the Polish system is not wonderful. I have only one thing to say on the matter and it comes in the form of a question. How much of the next 200 years do you want to spend under subjugation? I ask this question because I know many people see and understand the implications involved in what is happening to me and thousands of others. However, where does seeing, understanding and yet remaining silent lead?

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