Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thoughts about where to go with this blog

‘Human beings are perhaps never more dangerous than when they are convinced beyond a doubt that they are right.’

I do not remember where I heard it. However, this thought comes to me every day.

I got up early this morning (Sunday) and went for a walk. It was bitterly cold and I kept asking myself what the hell I am doing in this terrible place. I do not mean Warsaw, I mean Poland. I have tried to accept that this Poland was a country of laws, which made it a ‘democracy’. This is what I am always being told by Polish people who believe that there is such a thing as democracy. I am not stupid enough to believe that I could possibly obtain ‘justice’ from the system as it currently exists in your country. Why should justice be available to me when the experience I have just had shows me that ‘justice’ is not available to the archetypal Polish man or woman you may meet in the street? So, I do not seek ‘justice’. What I seek is right, as opposed to wrong. I believe that right is might, not might is right. For this I will fight anyone, because it is the essence of freedom, if such a thing exists. While I was walking I was thinking about where I should go next with this blog to further this fight which will not end until I have obtained right. Why? Because I am right.

I would like you to give this some thought. Are you aware that on the basis of one lie from one person your life can be torn asunder and brought to nought? Does that remind you of anything? Maybe something beginning with C. Are you aware that any criminal can do this to you simply by going to the police and making an allegation against you? No attempt is made by the police to verify the truthfulness of the accusation. On the basis of this uncorroborated allegation the police can arrest you, confiscate your property, and worse still, have you imprisoned by a court without you ever being given the opportunity even to question the allegation.

Furthermore, once they have you imprisoned they can keep extending the incarceration indefinitely while refusing to permit you to return to court to question, not the accusation, but the incarceration. I know you are innocent until proven guilty, but in Poland you can be imprisoned indefinitely without being proven guilty and due to the 'efficiency' of this system of justice indefinite means indefinite. When I asked why, I was given the answer which seems to be the answer for all ills, ‘To jest Polska!’ This is usually said with a big toothy grin. In fact it is not funny at all, it is really rather sad.

Now let met me tell you what is really frightening. By the time it is discovered that they have made a mistake you have been wrongfully imprisoned. Now, you are really in trouble because they must now find something with which to, not charge you, but convict you. You have been imprisoned, so you must be guilty of something and if you are not found to be guilty of something there would be consequences. However, who is to accept responsibility? The police, the prosecutor or the system?

What really saddens me is that when the Polish man on the street hears about what has happened to you his attitude is that you must have done something or that could not happen. I think this says something about the Polish character, but it is not for me to say what. Just wait till it happens to you!

Now do you understand? Once you are in this position you cannot be innocent. You must be found guilty of something, because the system does this to so many people that someone would have to accept responsibility if it was admitted at this stage that you are innocent. The consequence would be a very large number of lawsuits for wrongful imprisonment. This cannot be allowed to happen, so the system is manipulated to ensure that the person is convicted of something, anything. Usually nothing to do with the original accusation.

My accuser went to the police and accused me of extortion and blackmail. These are crimes for which the penalty is a substantial period of imprisonment if found guilty. I believe a minimum of five years. However, I stand to be corrected and would be grateful if someone could enlighten me on this point. The accusation was justified by accusing me of the crime of the theft of certain documents. I am told that a warrant was issued to enable the police to arrest me to confirm the theft of these documents. In order for this warrant to be issued, surely my accuser must have made a complaint in writing making this accusation. I have never seen the warrant nor the complaint which led to the issuance of the warrant. I would be really grateful if copies of these documents were to be made available to me, but suspect I may wait in vain. Could somebody please explain why it seems as if these documents are being withheld?

In closing for today, I would like to point out that though the computers confiscated contain incontrovertible evidence that the documents were not stolen and that the accusation was made in order to avoid payment of a debt my accuser walks free and with no consequences. Yet, the prosecution seeks to charge me with threatening to reveal banking secrets, which I cannot explain here in spite of the Bond-like inference, and defamation of the character of my accuser. I am sorry but I cannot help laughing out loud each time I think about it. Defamation of character is a criminal offence! Now I have to say, 'This is Poland!' Hold on a minute! What about extortion and blackmail? Are you listening? Once you have been imprisoned they will keep trying until they find something from which they believe they can get a conviction.

Moreover, you can forget the fact that the original warrant was issued on the basis of a lie told by your accuser, that your accuser was aware of the fact that this was a lie, that everyone is aware that your accuser lied in order to obtain the warrant which was used to justify your arrest and that your property, thus obtained, is being used to provide the evidence with which they hope to convict you.

This is the Polish justice for which I was imprisoned in order to prevent me from running away. Think about it! If I had run away they would have called me a fugitive from what? Polish justice.

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